喜迎二十大 | 主题演讲作品展播第二期:青春谱华章 吾辈当自强 Youth should be stronger to create a magnificent future - 精东影业传媒


喜迎二十大 | 主题演讲作品展播第二期:青春谱华章 吾辈当自强 Youth should be stronger to create a magnificent future
发布时间:2022-08-09 18:30:00      来源:汇通基金 牛乐凡    点击量:1413

近期,长安汇通成功举办“喜迎二十大 永远跟党走 奋进新征程”主题英语演讲比赛。来自公司本部各个部门及汇通基金、秦川租赁保理的选手用流畅的英语和饱满的热情,畅谈自己与汇通的故事,抒发汇通青年对党和事业的热爱。

为充分展示公司广大青年蓬勃向上的精神风貌和奋勇争先的青春风采,从八月起,本公众号设置“喜迎二十大 永远跟党走 奋进新征程”主题英语演讲比赛展播专栏,激励鼓舞广大青年在各自的岗位上踔厉奋发、勇毅前行,以优异成绩迎接党的二十大胜利召开!

本期展播&濒迟;优秀奖&驳迟;作品,基金公司牛乐凡Youth should be stronger to create a magnificent future 青春谱华章&苍产蝉辫;吾辈当自强》。



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Youth should be stronger to create a magnificent future



Dear leaders, judges and comrades:

Good afternoon. I am Niu Lefan from Chang’an Huitong private equity fund company. The topic of my speech is 《Youth should be stronger to create a magnificent future》.


If someone asks you: What is a wonderful history? What’s your answer? Everyone can think about this question for seconds. Is it the reform and opening up in the 1970s?Is it the development of literature in the 1980s? Is it craze of studying abroad in the 1990s? Or the fighting against COVID-19 in past two years? Obviously, they are all wonderful, and each age has created different wonderful events. But no matter what, the wonderful history is always closely related with youth.


Since from 1921, the best young people in China were the first to wake up to save the country. On July 23, 1921, the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai. The youngest member of the congress was 19 years old, and most of the participants were young people in their twenties and thirties. Chairman Mao joined the Communist Party at 28, Zhou Enlai joined the Party at 23, and Deng joined the Party at 18. Generations of Chinese Communists have devoted their youth to the precious belief, which has laid the foundation for the great rejuvenation of our country. Today, many brilliant young people in the new era are impassioned to serve China by working hard. The average age of the Shenzhou team of the Aerospace Service is 33 years old, and the average age of the Beidou team is 35 years old. A party with strong appeal and cohesion to young people will always be full of youthful vitality.


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In 2021,we witnessed many milestone events in our vibrant country. There are many unforgettable Chinese voices and Chinese stories, which allows us to see China’s performance on the global stage in the new era. This year, China has provided over 2 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations. This year, China's first superconducting quantum computer prototype was manufactured. This year,“ Tianwen No.1” landed on Mars which is an important progress of Chinese space exploration program. These great achievements are a reflection of the spirit of youth. Since the 18th National Congress, The CPC central committee, with Chinese president Xi at the core, united the whole party, the army, and people of all ethnic groups to celebrate the centenary of the communist party. Besides, we have achieved the first centenary goal and will embark on a new journey toward the second centenary goal. The young face, young image, and young prospect of China are the results of the correct leadership of our Party. 


Today, many outstanding young people gathered in the Chang'an Huitong to contribute to the development of our company. During the past two years, Huitong has always adhered to the positioning of state-owned capital operation. As a young and energetic enterprise, everyone has put all their energy and enthusiasm into works. On countless days and nights, we can always see many busy figures, who share their ideas and make efficient decisions. As a new employee, I was deeply impressed by the enthusiasm of all employees of our company. I still remember on December 6th last year, when I first stepped into the office, the whole team with only four staff was having a meeting, which lasted for almost 5 hours. During that period, my company obtained the fund manager qualification and completed its first PE investment program within only three months. I admire their professional skills and high efficiency.


It is necessary to be responsible for your position and duty. President Xi pointed out:“Young people should be innovation and should work hard, take the lead in their position, practice their skills, strive for excellence and pioneers of youth.” As a member of the private equity fund company, I will make contributions on the high-quality platform provided by Chang'an Huitong and create a magnificent future.
