喜迎二十大 | 主题演讲作品展播第三期:Struggle at the right time 奋斗正当时 - 精东影业传媒


喜迎二十大 | 主题演讲作品展播第三期:Struggle at the right time 奋斗正当时
发布时间:2022-08-17 10:00:34      来源:财务管理部 胡曦    点击量:1024

近期,长安汇通成功举办“喜迎二十大 永远跟党走 奋进新征程”主题英语演讲比赛。来自公司本部各个部门及汇通基金、秦川租赁保理的选手用流畅的英语和饱满的热情,畅谈自己与汇通的故事,抒发汇通青年对党和事业的热爱。

为充分展示公司广大青年蓬勃向上的精神风貌和奋勇争先的青春风采,从八月起,本公众号设置“喜迎二十大 永远跟党走 奋进新征程”主题英语演讲比赛展播专栏,激励鼓舞广大青年在各自的岗位上踔厉奋发、勇毅前行,以优异成绩迎接党的二十大胜利召开!

本期展播&濒迟;优秀奖&驳迟;作品,长安汇通财务管理部胡曦Struggle at the right time  奋斗正当时》。





Struggle at the right time



Distinguished leaders judges and colleagues:

Good afternoon,my name is HuXi coming from Finance Department.The topic of my speech is Struggle at the right time.Looking back at the century-old party history, the foundation of New China had not been restored.The Communist Party has worked hard to explore, overcome  obstacles and difficulties, and finally led the Chinese people to a happy and healthy life. Generations of Communists bear the initial aspiration and mission and still move forward firmly. Our company is the same. During the difficult times of our establishment, all staff worked hard to overcome difficulties, such as insufficient workforce and funds, our efforts paid off. Now our company has achieved its stable operation. For me,studying the century-old party history and the history of the company made me deeply feel the power and warmth. It strengthened my determination even more to follow the Party and strive for a new journey. Besides, I developed great enthusiasm and fighting spirit into the specific work. 


When I first joined Huitong, I was overwhelmed  a  totally  new field . The most urgent problem I had to solve was how to familiarize myself with the business and complete the given tasks.But I strongly believe one always becomes stronger through hardships. Through making ordinary things extraordinary, I now have mastered essential skills and marched forward  step by step. During this process, my leaders and colleagues in the finance department also gave me a lot of help and support. What’s more, I have found endeavour, wisdom, earnest, vitality in every Huitong people.



At the beginning of 2022, COVID-19 in Xi'an was fierce. At the request of the Party headquarters of the company,my colleagues actively joined in anti-COVID work in their communities. After learning that the medical staff was in shortage, I immediately volunteered to collect  nucleic acid samples door-to-door. During the seven-day door-to-door  service,  I cooperated with team members and  with  about  200  samples per day. Reading news of colleagues's work in the  Huitong  volunteer group every day,I was full of motivation and hope.Thanks to  everyone’s efforts Xi'an finally was reopened. Facing the test of Covid-19, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee headed by Comrade Xi Jinping, they have effectively coordinated epidemic prevention and economic development. We have demonstrated the advantage of "China's governance" to the world.


On the new journey, we will keep carrying on our company’s rock-solid belief and perseverance, and  contribute to the company’s high-quality development. Young workers take the initiative to integrate into the important strategy of the company "14th Five-Year Plan". Under the leadship of SASAC and our leaders, we will boost the state-owned capital operation  together  and strive to turn the plan into reality.


I still remeber LiDazhao's oath in "Age of Awakening"! "We choose to be the Chinese Prometheus,to guide China out of misery.I will be willing to break a path,I will,despite sacrificing my life,struggle all my life! "On the new journey, let us all Huitong people struggle at the right time!
