喜迎二十大 | 主题演讲作品展播第七期:To serve a youthful Huitong with a youthful self 用青春之我共建青春之汇通 - 精东影业传媒


喜迎二十大 | 主题演讲作品展播第七期:To serve a youthful Huitong with a youthful self 用青春之我共建青春之汇通
发布时间:2022-09-14 18:33:00      来源:战略发展部 阎世頔    点击量:1724

近期,长安汇通成功举办“喜迎二十大 永远跟党走 奋进新征程”主题英语演讲比赛。来自公司本部各个部门及汇通基金、秦川租赁保理的选手用流畅的英语和饱满的热情,畅谈自己与汇通的故事,抒发汇通青年对党和事业的热爱。

为充分展示公司广大青年蓬勃向上的精神风貌和奋勇争先的青春风采,从八月起,本公众号设置“喜迎二十大 永远跟党走 奋进新征程”主题英语演讲比赛展播专栏,激励鼓舞广大青年在各自的岗位上踔厉奋发、勇毅前行,以优异成绩迎接党的二十大胜利召开!

本期展播<二等奖>作品,长安汇通战略发展部阎世頔《To serve a youthful Huitong with a youthful self 用青春之我共建青春之汇通》。





To serve a youthful Huitong with a youthful self



Comrades and friends, good afternoon!

In the prime of spring, a season of hope, it is my honor to participate in this event as a Party activist when the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China  is  approaching. The topic of my speech is "To serve a youthful  Huitong with a youthful self".



Time flies, since I joined the company in October 2020, I have been working in the company for more than a year and a half. From being a student to becoming a part of the company and the state-owned system, I have experienced a lot. 


First of all, it is a sense of identification. During the period of time when I first joined the company, I was a little hesitant because being a rocket scientist in China has always been my dream, but as I worked closely with colleagues and my perspective of the company's business continued to broaden, I feel that the state-owned company is an important substance with Chinese characteristics and essential to social and economic development. The work here is meaningful.


Secondly, it is a sense of respect. Although the company has only been established for less than three years, our leadership has been managing the company well and a promising future can be seen. We achieved a profit of 0.69 billion last year. The company develops rapidly with each passing day and makes continual progress in all its undertakings, which provides strong support to the reform of state-owned enterprises in our province.


Thirdly, it is a sense of alignment. In addition to our meaningful work and the leaders who lead us to do it, I always keep in alignment with the professional ability of my colleagues. There is not only research but also business management work in our department. As the head of the department, Ms. Guo is capable of managing each piece of work quite well; the communication and collaboration within the department have allowed me to learn the professional capabilities of Qingchan, Yongge, and Yingda; the close cooperation with Mr. Ge's team on the projects also benefited me a lot; the communication with Mr. Zhang, Mr. Yang and Mr. Xie constantly updated and enriched my knowledge. 



Fourthly, it is a sense of belonging. I have been trained as an engineer for 10 years, but I find I am able to meet the company's research needs, especially for manufacturing-related projects, which makes me feel useful. 


Lastly, it is a sense of comfort. The soft environment created by colleagues is very comfortable. During my business trip in Shenzhen at the end of last year, the pandemic occurred in Xi’an and we were quarantined in the hotel, Ms. Li, Mr. Guo, Mr. Ge and colleagues in the office often cared me, which made me feel like a family.


In this great era of great changes unseen in a century, we must not let our vision be blocked by floating clouds. Instead, we must dispel the clouds to see the sun and execute the "One Three Four Six" strategy of Chang'an Huitong effectively. In the future, I will do the following: first, love the country and try to become a member of the Communist Party of China; second, always hold lofty ideals, and devote youth to the cause of the company; third, develop strong skills and enhance my knowledge about macroeconomics; and lastly is to keep passionate in my work and provide support to projects.


“By setting sail together, we could ride the wind, break the waves, and brave the journey of ten thousand miles.” We may at times encounter stormy waves and dangerous rapids, but as long as we pool our efforts and keep to the right direction, devote our youth to the cause of the company, the giant vessel of Chang’an Huitong development will stay on an even keel and sail toward a brighter future.
